How to Organize School Work
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Recently when I was at home over Christmas I decided to go through my old stuff at my parents’ house – including some things from childhood, like old school work – and declutter and organize a lot of it. Here’s how to organize school work and school work organizing ideas.
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How to Organize School Work
It’s kind of ridiculous, but when I looked through my closet, I had 17 BOXES of old school work lying around! 17! And that’s actually lower than it would have been if I had kept ALL my school work (this was already a slightly condensed version).
But I decided that since I’m in my twenties now and living on my own, if I ever end up with all this school work in my own apartment, I don’t really want or need to keep around seventeen boxes of it, so I thought I would do some serious decluttering.
I ended up getting rid of 9 boxes of stuff and am now left with just 6 boxes, which are mostly artwork from childhood and yearbooks, and other things I wanted to keep.
Maybe 6 boxes still seems a bit ridiculous, considering a lot of people just throw out everything or have a bonfire at the end of high school (I know some people who did that), but it definitely saved me a lot of closet space. So here’s what I did.
First, I decided to only keep the best artwork, the yearbooks, and things like awards or tassels. I almost completely threw out (or recycled) all of the homework, notes, tests, quizzes, and other day-to-day school work. If you think about it, if you want any of the information again, you would probably just Google the answers instead of looking at your old notes. 🙂
There were also some other things like random scribbles, etc, that I took pictures of on my phone and then recycled. If I’m going to presumably hold onto this stuff for the rest of my life and have to carry it around from apartment to apartment, I only want to keep the things I really like. If you have that mentality, it’s easier to get rid of things.
Also, having pictures of some of my artwork (including some of the stuff that I kept) is more practical because I can actually look at the pictures on my phone as opposed to probably not taking down the boxes and looking at the stuff that often.
Ultimately, it’s up to you how you want to declutter or organize school work, but I know that I saved a ton of space and was able to better organize my closet by totally clearing the floor of boxes and clutter.